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„Lüchinger porträtiert das freigeistige Paar mit ruhigen Bildern in Schwarzweiss, lediglich die Rückblenden sind in Farbe. Er lässt sie zurückblicken auf ihre Anfänge als Paar und als Künstler:innen, auf ihre gemeinsamen Entwicklungen und auf ihren Aktivismus, der bis heute ungebrochen ist.“

Corinne Riedener

In SAITEN vom 8. März 2023

„Thomas Lüchinger zeigt mit seinem Porträt zweier Improvisationsmusiker aus Japan und dem oft stillen Leuchten des Paares, wie dem Alter die intensive Möglichkeit von strahlender Kraft und subtiler Würde innewohnen kann.“

Martin Preusser

St. Galler Tagblatt, 9. März



The new film by Thomas Lüchinger.

The film "SOUND AND SILENCE" portrays Toshio, (72), and Shizuko Omiro, (75), a couple and improvisation duo who have lived in Kawasaki, Japan, since 1981, which vehemently opposes materialistic thinking and any kind of commercialization.

The 'poles' SOUND and SILENCE talk about their development from punk musicians to activists in the peace and anti-nuclear movement, as well as their journey as a couple. Throughout their lives, they navigated through Japanese society, which was characterized by pressure to conform, with their free-spirited lifestyle, which also left its mark on the life of their son Sabu. Until the very end, they followed their vision of changing the world to a more peaceful one in an unconventional way.

In the playful development of their individual selves as musicians and as a couple, they take the right to live the life that fills them with meaning. This also reflects the knowledge of transience - as the essence of life.


Kino Cameo

Lagerplatz 19

8400 Winterthur



Bourbaki Panorama
Löwenplatz 11
6004 Luzern

© 2022 by roses for you film

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